Thursday, July 31, 2008

Keep your eye on the toddler.

Toddlers. Man, they are sneaky beings. In a matter of seconds, they can prove why Mr. Clean Magic Erasers exist. That's some black crayon on my wall. Pretty, isn' t it?The thing is, I'm actually not a bit upset about it. I have never been happy with the color in the dining room, despite the fact that we've painted it twice already! Amazingly, this was not the work of The Boss, but rather, her friend Giana. Despite Giana's wily ways and her um, mural in my dining room, I still gave her and her sister, Audra, new hats. I made them hats when I first started knitting and they were destroyed in their house fire earlier this year. Audra, age four, is increasingly interested in "helping" me knit (read: unraveling some yarn for me) and asks about a new hat all the time. I thought this was a cute pattern. Their mom dresses them similarly sometimes so it was only natural they both get the same hat, but a different color. The Boss models the toddler sized hat during her nightly inspection of the flowers. Surely there are some sneaky thoughts goin' on under that hat! I'm not letting her out of my sight. Not one second!


LisaBe said...

hm...thees blog looks soospeeshusly liek you say...cute overload?

Amanda said...

What an adorable couple of hats! I love the pattern. (Running to Ravelry to see what it is, and queue it up!)

Life with Pog & FLeC said...

Adorable hats. Your talent is amazing. Perhaps you want to leave your dining room as is. People pay lots of money for art like that! :)