Sunday, July 6, 2008

Pay it forward

It seems that it's a knitter's duty to teach those who are willing and interested, especially if someone took time teach you, yourself. I'm finding it doesn't take much more than asking a group of non- knitters if they want to learn and someone is always ready to bite. I took Blogless Meghan, a friend from book club and partner in snark and sarcasm, under my wing a few weeks ago. She is a star student and got the basics down very easily. Sure there were some wonky edges , knitting with the grip of death, and a few dropped stitches, but she finished her first dishcloth with great ease for a beginner and is ready for something more challenging. There is a tendency for new knitters to always want to knit a scarf . Why? They are so long and sometimes boring. I think I have her convinced to do a hat next. Her 86 year old grandmother will be undergoing chemotherapy soon (with a great attitude I might add) and wants to wear a red wig! Now that's a spunky lady. I was thinking maybe a super soft chemo cap (in red, of course) would be good for Meghan's next venture, just in case her grandma doesn't always want to wear the wig.

I noticed now that warmer temperatures are here, I'm knitting with cotton a lot. I didn't even intentionally do that, but away went the wool blankie I'm making The Boss and some other wintry Christmas gifts and hello, cotton! It's killing me I can't share some projects just yet because they haven't been gifted and won't be for a while. While Meghan was learning to bind off her project yesterday, lest she have the biggest dishcloth ever, I worked on this little thing. I was taking a break from a lace project that I just started and wanted to find some baby toys to knit up.
It will go to some baby I know (unless The Boss claims it--She has a way of doing that) and I'm sure it won't be the last one I make. It was so fast and knit all in one piece. I stuffed the head with a little bit of scrap yarn and badly embroidered a face and voila, a little bunny buddy! It occurred to me, in my daughter's feverish state yesterday, that this would be good to use when you're trying to cool down a feverish babe or for applying ice to a boo boo since it was made from dishcloth cotton. I know the pattern intends this to be made from bulky chenille, but I'm just all about cotton right now.

The Boss is all back to normal today. She even took some time to smell the flowers.
So, who is next in line to learn? I'm ready when you are.


Amanda said...

I always feel like a drug dealer when it comes to teaching others to knit. :o) It is fun to spread the addiction however!

I LOVE that bunny, especially because it is in cotton!

Ben and Cori Momma said...

It's been so long since I picked up knitting needles I may need a refresher lesson. Or maybe just an excuse to hang with you and Meghan!

Sounds like you've had a nice couple of days this holiday weekend. Let's lunch soon!!

April said...

I think I'm the next in line to learn. Maybe I'll bring yarn and needles as opposed to yarn and hooks to the next K&S. The bunny is adorable.

Life with Pog & FLeC said...

Me! Me! I knew the basics, but it has been soooo long. That bunny is adorable. Let's get together.

Lisa said...

I love your bunny!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I made a blog entry! You have been such a wonderful teacher, that I finished my second dish cloth on my own and started my 3rd (I can't give Rich an excuse to not do the dishes). Before you know it, I'll have my own blog. Thanks for all of your help and I can't wait to get together again! -Meghan